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Customer Reviews

Manufacturing Analytics Solution Providing Visibility

single machine data point

FoodBev Magazine: A Watchful Eye: The Rise of Data Monitoring Solutions

To solve potential problems before they occur and mitigate risk, monitoring solutions are key. Bryan Sapot, Mingo Smart Factory CEO, talks with FoodBev Magazine about the importance of solutions like Mingo in the plant. 

Food Processing Magazine: Real-Time Feedback Feeds Engagement

Mingo Smart Factory CEO, Bryan Sapot, provides his point of view into the world of digital technology on the factory floor. Read why real-time feedback, KPIs, tracking performance, and doing so with transparency is vital in today’s manufacturing workplace.


Our Customers See Results


Increased OEE by 30% in Less Than 3 Months


9x ROI and 150% Reduction in Lead Time

Oral Biotech

Increased OEE by 25% & Reduced Scrap by 99.8%

Heitkam & Thuman Group

73% Reduction in Downtime & 71% Reduction in Micro Stoppages

Ice Industries

Inventory oversight over 5 factory locations by replacing manual reporting

Louisiana Fish Fry

Switched to Mingo after outgrowing 2 other Production Monitoring Systems and Increased OEE by 12%

Competitive Analysis

See How Mingo Smart Factory Compares

“How are you different than the competitors?” It’s a question we are asked often. The short answer is, Mingo provides visibility in the plant, but there are many differentiating components. 

We’ve put together the following guides to answer that question, in more depth.