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Increase Plant Productivity

Significantly increase plant productivity with consumer packaged goods software. Monitor production, solve problems, hit targets, and deliver on time to customers.

manufacturing dashboard

Trusted by Leading Manufacturers

What is CPG Software?

CPG software is software specifically designed to solve the challenges consumer packaged goods manufacturers face in the industry.

Meeting quality standards, reducing bottlenecks and loss, understanding production per person per hour, improving efficiencies, and delivering on time to customers are all common challenges.

With Mingo Smart Factory, know with a glance if you’re winning or losing. Reduce the amount of paperwork and redundancy. Get full transparency into what’s happening in the plant.

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Features Designed for Consumer Packaged Goods Manufacturing

Help your team get on the same page with visual management tools like scoreboards, dashboards, and operator screens that tell you in real-time, what’s happening.

Eliminate the need for manual tasks with Mingo Smart Factory’s scheduling module. Schedule and track jobs across the floor to ensure you’re meeting demand.

See How Mingo Can Improve Your Factory

Built by people who know manufacturing, Mingo provides the 21st century “Smart Factory” experience that manufacturers need to grow in a modern environment. See how it can help you drive revenue.

CPG Manufacturer Reduced 14-Week Backlog to Gain $500k in Unrealized Revenue

Nick Hinman

It’s [enabled] the idea of working smarter, not harder, and Mingo has allowed us that platform to make those decisions simply and effectively.

Nick Hinman

Vice President of Corporate Strategy, Tacony

Go In-Depth

Still have questions about CPG software?

Consumer packaged goods manufacturing software can greatly impact the productivity and culture of a plant, leading to improved efficiencies, alignment between teams, and increased revenue. If you don’t believe us, ask any one of the manufacturers who have taken the steps to improve their plants with Mingo. 

The benefit of using CPG software is that you’ll get complete visibility into the plant. With contextualized data at your fingertips, you can understand what’s happening, in real-time. It provides the ability to make data-driven decisions that can inevitably impact the trajectory of the company. You will be able to understand when and why machines go down, how to reduce and eliminate bottlenecks, meet quality standards and maintain compliance regulations, understand where you’re winning and losing, and deliver on time to customers.

Yes, Mingo has a mobile app, specifically designed for monitoring the plant in real-time. With both an iPhone and Android app, our CPG software gives you the ability to know what’s happening at the plant, even if you aren’t there. It’s also equipped with the ability to create completely configurable alerts so you can stay on top of any issues that arise.

In addition to a mobile app, there are visual management tools like scoreboards out on the floor, operator screens, and dashboards to give everyone in the plant the ability to know if production is ahead or behind schedule, simply by glancing at a screen.

Once you’ve decided to take the leap and implement manufacturing productivity software in your plant, the next step is deciding which vendor to choose. It’s not an easy decision to make. There are many, many questions that need to be answered before you’re willing to spend money on a solution. Treat this step in the process almost like an interview. Prior to interviewing, determine your goals. What do you hope to achieve by implementing CPG software? What do you want the end result to be?

Once you have your goals in mind, approach the software vendor with questions like, “What is pricing like? What’s the timeline for implementation? Will I need a dedicated person to run the project? How do I get my machines set up? Will there be training involved? How long does training typically last? What if I have questions after the fact? How easy is it to expand once we’ve gotten the hang of things?”

While there are likely many more questions you’ll want to ask, this should give you a good starting point. It’s best to collect as much information as you can upfront because you don’t want to select a vendor that won’t be able to help you achieve your goals. If you have any questions about this process, our team of experts is happy to help. At the end of the day, the software you choose is dependent on the goals you have set.