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Continuous Improvement

Category featuring insightful blog posts exploring strategies, methodologies, and best practices in optimizing manufacturing processes. These articles aim to help manufacturing professionals enhance efficiency, reduce waste, and drive sustainable growth by implementing innovative technologies and lean manufacturing principles.

Factory Fitness
Continuous Improvement
Alyxandra Sherwood

Factory Fitness Plan for 2024

Manufacturers must modernize their data collection processes to benefit from Industry 4.0 technologies and use data to drive continuous improvement.

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How to Calculate Your Targets
Continuous Improvement
Bryan Sapot

How to Calculate Your KPI Targets

Calculating and setting targets is key to improving efficiencies and meeting demand for any manufacturer. Though, at Mingo, I’ve seen first-hand that calculating targets isn’t

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The Top 7 Benefits of Lean Manufacturing
Continuous Improvement
Bryan Sapot

The Top 7 Benefits of Lean Manufacturing

To understand how the plant is performing, manufacturers measure and evaluate metrics based on manufacturing efficiency. Looking beyond input and output, manufacturing efficiency places value

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PDCA, PDCA model
Continuous Improvement
Bryan Sapot

PDCA: Plan, Do, Check, Act

PDCA stands for plan, do, check, and either act or adjust. It’s essentially the foundation of continuous improvement. Learn how you can use it in the plant.

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