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Competitor Comparison

Mingo Smart Factory vs. Vorne

Production monitoring software is essential for visualizing what is happening on the factory floor. With so many options available, how do you find the best system for your growing business? Below you can compare Mingo Smart Factory and Vorne across methodology, key industries, data collection and dashboard features.

A production monitoring alternative your factory won't outgrow

Vorne is a great entry-level system for manufacturers that have never had a smart factory to digitize counts and downtime data into a dashboard. One of the main differences between Mingo Smart Factory and Vorne is that Vorne doesn’t offer the flexibility to grow as manufacturers need more data to continue optimizing the flow of their factory floor. Mingo offers these features on pricing plans that are on a similar level to Vorne.

Check out how we compare to the rest of the competition here.

Mingo Smart Factory Logo

Real Time OEE



Scrap Tracking



Data Points



Connect to PLCs


Extra Charge

Customizable Dashboards



Mobile App









Quality Module



File Attachments



Custom Forms



Data Retention


1 Year

Operator Input

Tablet, Computer & Scanner

Scanner Only

Operator HMI


3rd Party Software

Operator Tracking



ERP Integration



CMMS Integration



Multi-Facility Support


Extra Charge

Unified View of Entire Plant


Extra Charge

Five main differences between Mingo Smart Factory & Vorne

  • Real-Time Data Collection: Mingo Smart Factory’s dashboard is customizable and includes a customizable operator scoreboard for the factory floor. Vorne’s system is similar to the scoreboard at a basketball game with no way to edit data.
  • Automatic Reporting: Vorne does not offer automatic reporting or a mobile app
  • Factory Floor Tracking: Vorne offers a broad overview of the factory floor while Mingo can dive into the performance of the individual lines
  • Data Storage: Mingo’s all-in-one solution includes unlimited & secure Cloud storage while Vorne’s customers need to go through a 3rd party service to access the Cloud
  • Integration with CMMS and ERP systems: Mingo integrates seamlessly while Vorne operates best as a separate system

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Mingo Smart Factory Reviews

Manufacturers Who Switched From Vorne to Mingo

Louisiana Fish Fry, a food manufacturer based in Louisiana switched from Vorne and Worximity to Mingo Smart Factory in 2022. They outgrew both systems and needed more flexibility on a platform that their operators actually wanted to use.

Mingo is different than the other software packages that we tried, in that you can start with something and then manipulate it as you learn, and as you grow with it. Don’t worry about getting something wrong initially. Get started and have confidence that you’ll be able to correct it as you get deeper into the implementation.

Chris Mericas

Louisiana Fish Fry Sr. Operations Analyst

What can Mingo Smart Factory do vs. Vorne?

Manufacturing is hard – you want to optimize the flow of your factory floor so you are maximizing throughput without sacrificing quality or your overtime budget. Not having visibility for what is happening on the factory floor in real time means that you don’t have the option to make data-driven decisions. Everything is based on “gut feelings” and what has worked in the past.

At its core, Vorne is much more simplistic than Mingo. It provides manufacturers with the ability to get insight into what’s happening in the plant but does not provide the same level of capabilities. 

With Vorne, manufacturers can count products, calculate yield, understand cycle times, compare good versus bad products, and record downtime. It’s a great starting point for those who have nothing and want to get rid of Excel and pen and paper, but often, manufacturers will grow out of the product. 

There will still be manual reporting required to fill the gaps. Vorne doesn’t integrate with scheduling. It doesn’t collect process data. It doesn’t help with automated end-of-shift reporting or alerting. There isn’t a mobile app. 

At its core, Vorne is designed to calculate and understand OEE. Mingo Smart Factory takes this one step further by offering a complete and robust manufacturing productivity system from data collection to dashboard.

Trusted by hundreds of manufacturers and growing