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Custom Fields and Custom Objects in Mingo Smart Factory: A Comprehensive Guide to Our Latest Release

The manufacturing industry constantly transforms, fueled by innovative technologies and methods. These aim to streamline production and boost efficiency.

Mingo Smart Factory leads in the manufacturing domain, providing clients with the tools to excel in this dynamic setting.

We’re thrilled to announce our platform’s latest release, offering enhanced customization through custom fields and objects.

Customization is crucial in modern manufacturing, letting companies tailor their production systems to unique needs.

Mingo Smart Factory’s flexibility in creating and modifying fields, objects, and calculations aligns production processes with specific business goals. This drives productivity and profitability.

This guide will examine our release’s components, focusing on custom fields and objects. We’ll discuss their importance in manufacturing and how they enhance Mingo Smart Factory’s customization capabilities.

Discover custom fields and objects with us, unlocking our platform’s full potential for your manufacturing operation.

Importance of Custom Fields and Custom Objects in Manufacturing

Custom fields and custom objects are essential in manufacturing as they allow organizations to tailor their production management systems to their specific needs, optimizing workflows and enhancing efficiency.

Custom fields add specific data points and attributes to objects, capturing essential information relevant to a company’s production processes.

Custom objects facilitate the creation of new data structures to store and manage vital production data, providing unparalleled flexibility and customization.

Together, these features help manufacturers meet their unique operational demands and industry expectations.

Improving Flexibility and Customization in Mingo Smart Factory

Mingo Smart Factory’s latest release allows clients to create and modify fields, objects, and calculations based on their needs, streamlining operations and ensuring seamless integration with existing systems.

This adaptability is at the core of Mingo Smart Factory’s mission to provide smart, innovative, and versatile solutions to modern manufacturing challenges.

To help clients maximize these new customization capabilities, a comprehensive video series offers step-by-step guidance on custom fields and custom objects.

Setting Up Custom Fields 

Custom fields in Mingo Smart Factory enable users to add specific data points and attributes to objects, tailoring their smart factory systems to unique operational needs and industry standards.

Setting up custom fields is easy and straightforward, allowing manufacturing companies to customize their systems.

Accessing and adding custom fields

To access custom fields in Mingo Smart Factory, users must have the feature enabled in their security group, and it’s included in the Enterprise package.

Navigate to Administration > Manage Objects to modify different objects, including master data objects such as company, machine, work orders, and parts.

Select the desired object and click “Custom Field” to add a custom field.

Adding custom fields to master data objects

To add a custom field in the part master table of Mingo Smart Factory, click “Part” and “Custom Field.”

Click “Add Custom Field” to create a new field, enter the field name (e.g., “Weight in Pounds”), choose a type (numeric, date time, dropdown, text, yes/no, or custom calculations), set a format, add help text, and choose whether the field is required.

Formatting and configuring custom fields

When configuring a custom field in Mingo Smart Factory, set a data format such as the number of decimals displayed for numeric fields.

Help text can be added to guide users on how to enter data correctly, appearing alongside the custom field.

Reordering custom fields

Custom fields in Mingo Smart Factory can be reordered by dragging and dropping fields using the “drag hamburger” icon, allowing users to customize how they appear on the screen.

Custom fields can be easily added, formatted, and reordered, making the platform more flexible and adaptable to unique requirements.

They can also be reported on dashboards, used in scoreboards, or incorporated into custom calculations, enhancing the overall functionality of the system.

Custom Fields for Transaction Tables

Custom fields in Mingo Smart Factory can be added to transaction objects like operator, production run, and events for added flexibility and adaptability.

These objects offer valuable data insights throughout a production run.

This section will cover adding custom fields to transaction objects, operator tables, and events.

Adding custom fields to transaction objects

Mingo Smart Factory allows users to add custom fields to transaction objects like production runs, capturing crucial information during manufacturing.

Custom fields can include required fields like lot numbers, with various field types available, including date times, numerics, dropdowns, buttons, and custom calculations.

Help text can also be included to guide users on entering information into custom fields.

Adding custom fields to operator tables

Mingo Smart Factory enables custom fields to be added to operator tables, tracking additional data related to personnel in manufacturing.

Custom fields can include required dropdown fields with pre-defined options, such as an operator’s station assignment.

The custom field can be edited in real-time on the operator screen, allowing for easy updates, additions, or removals of station options, improving organization and management of operators within a production line.

Adding custom fields to events

Custom fields can also be added to events in Mingo Smart Factory, capturing valuable data during production runs.

For example, a custom field can be created for a serial number associated with a specific event. However, custom fields added to events can only be entered using a custom form due to the lack of a default method for inputting data directly into the custom field on an event.

Custom fields allow for effective data utilization in production management and decision-making.

Adding them to transaction objects, operator tables, and events ensures a closely monitored and optimized manufacturing process for maximum efficiency in Mingo Smart Factory.

Creating Custom Child Objects

Mingo Smart Factory allows users to create custom child objects for standard master objects, adding valuable data to existing tables within the system.

Custom child objects can be created for tables like companies, machines, parts, production runs, and work orders. However, events, operators, and process data do not support custom child objects.

Custom Child Objects for Standard Master Objects 

Mingo Smart Factory allows users to create custom child objects for standard master objects, such as a Bill of Materials (BOM) for a part.

This enables tracking of components and quantities required to produce the part and is applicable to most tables in the system.

Creating a Bill of Materials (BOM) for parts

To create a BOM for parts, users must create a custom child object with the parent table set to “part.” Once created, users can add custom fields to the BOM, such as the part number and quantity per part. These custom fields help track the required components and their respective quantities for each part.

Accessing and editing the BOM in parts

Once the BOM is created, it becomes accessible within the part’s details, where users can add individual line items, import, or export data using Excel. The BOM tab displays all the necessary information, such as part numbers and quantities required for each component.

Importing and exporting BOM data

Mingo Smart Factory allows users to import and export BOM data in bulk, which is particularly useful for managing large datasets coming from an ERP system.

Users can efficiently manage their BOM data by exporting data to Excel and subsequently uploading it to the system.

Custom Child Objects for Production Runs

Custom child objects for production runs in Mingo Smart Factory provide an additional layer of customization and organization.

They enable users to track and manage their manufacturing processes by gathering essential information, such as material consumption, quality control data, or process-specific parameters directly associated with the corresponding production run.

This feature enables accurate monitoring and decision-making, improving efficiency, productivity, and overall performance in the manufacturing process.

Custom Forms in Mingo Smart Factory 

Custom forms in Mingo Smart Factory streamline data collection and enhance manufacturing process efficiency by replacing traditional paperwork with digital data entry.

They cater to various purposes, including quality control, safety inspections, and production tracking, offering a comprehensive solution for data management within the factory.

Custom forms can be designed and tailored to specific requirements, collecting relevant and useful data for decision-making. They can perform a range of actions, such as recording quantities, downtime events, and scrap data.

The Enterprise package provides access to custom forms, enabling users to optimize their manufacturing processes.

The Mingo Smart Factory platform offers various types of custom forms, including production details, end-of-run reports, and work order details.

Each form can be customized to suit user preferences, allowing for better organization and presentation of data. Users can modify the forms by adding custom fields, adjusting display orders, and configuring field properties.

Purpose and types of custom forms

Custom forms in Mingo Smart Factory are designed to collect crucial data from the factory floor, replacing traditional paper-based records.

These forms can be customized to suit the user’s needs and are classified into types such as production details, end-of-run reports, and work order details. The Enterprise package includes custom forms, enabling users to record quantities, downtime events, or scrap.

Creating a serial number form

To create a serial number form in Mingo Smart Factory, users need to choose the form action and add the required fields, such as the serial number.

The “Submit Data and Create Quantity Event” form action is commonly used for this purpose. Users can configure the fields by setting requirements, visibility, and help text. After designing the form, it needs to be associated with specific machines or parts to make it accessible and functional.

Customizing existing forms

Mingo Smart Factory enables users to customize existing forms, such as production details, end-of-run reports, and work order details, to better fit their needs.

This customization process involves adding custom fields or adjusting the display order of fields, making relevant data easily accessible to operators. This enhances the user experience and streamlines data collection on the factory floor.

Associating forms with machines and parts

To make forms accessible and functional in Mingo Smart Factory, it’s crucial to associate them with specific machines and parts.

This process offers flexibility, allowing users to associate forms with machines, parts, or combinations of both. For instance, a form can be associated with a specific machine only when running a particular part, ensuring that the form is available under those circumstances.

Accessing forms on the operator screen

Custom forms become accessible on the operator screen once they are created and associated with relevant machines or parts.

Operators can access these forms by clicking the “Forms” button, entering the required data such as quantity and serial number, submitting the form, and recording the data in the system for further analysis and decision-making.

Custom Object & Form for Quality Data Collection

Creating a custom object and form to collect quality data in a manufacturing environment involves two main steps.

The first step is to create a custom object that can store the data you want to collect, and the second step is to build a form that operators can use to input that data.

Creating custom objects for data collection

To collect quality data for a specific production run in Mingo Smart Factory, start by accessing the Administration section and clicking on “Manage Objects.” 

Next, add a child object for the production run with a name like “Hourly Quality Checks.”

This new object will be associated with every production run created. You can then add custom fields for data collection, such as temperature, weight, and color.

Building and associating custom forms with machines or parts

To build a form for data collection, select the “Custom Form” type and add the fields from your custom object.

Organize the fields as desired and associate the form with specific machines and/or parts. This ensures the form is only accessible when working on the relevant machine or part. Name the form accordingly to facilitate identification.

Using the custom form on the operator screen

Once associated with machines and parts, operators can access the custom form on their screens during the production run.

They can input required data such as temperature, weight, and color, and sign off to confirm the data submission. Data will be recorded and timestamped, allowing for easy tracking and analysis.

Benefits of custom fields and forms for data collection

Custom fields and forms offer several benefits for data collection in a manufacturing setting. They help replace paper and Excel-based processes, providing real-time visibility into production data.

Custom fields and forms also enable the creation of alerts, dashboards, and scoreboards, allowing for more effective monitoring and analysis of quality data

By streamlining data collection and making it more accessible, custom fields and forms promote better decision-making and improved quality control in the manufacturing process.

Custom Calculations on Custom Objects 

Custom calculations can help optimize production processes in a manufacturing environment.

Adding custom calculations to custom child objects, such as determining the total quantity required for each component to produce finished goods, is a valuable feature. In this section, we’ll discuss how to add custom calculations to custom child objects.

Accessing custom calculations and custom objects

To use custom calculations and objects in your manufacturing software, you need to have the Enterprise package. Custom calculations can be added to custom fields within custom objects, allowing for complex computations and better production management.

Adding quantity required and remaining custom fields

To determine the total quantity required for each component in a bill of material for finished goods production, a custom calculation can be added to the part object’s custom fields.

First, go to the object section and click “Custom Fields.” Add a new custom field called “Quantity Required” and set its type to “Calculation.” 

Select the fields needed for the calculation, such as “Quantity Per” and “Work Order Quantity Required,” and use the multiplication operator to find the total quantity.

Similarly, add another custom field called “Quantity Remaining” to calculate the remaining quantity of components needed using fields such as “Quantity Per” and “Work Order Quantity Remaining.”

Working with custom calculations in work orders

Custom fields and calculations based on work orders are only visible when a work order is active. When viewing a part without an active work order, only the part number and quantity per component are visible.

However, when viewing a machine running a work order, the custom fields for “Quantity Required” and “Quantity Remaining” will be displayed. This allows for more effective monitoring of the production process.

Custom calculation benefits in production management

Custom calculations in custom objects benefit production management by allowing complex computations and tracking of critical production data.

This includes tracking the quantity required and remaining for each component, optimizing resources, and reducing waste. Custom calculations can also monitor other production metrics, such as quantity consumed, improving informed decision-making and production efficiency.

Boost Your Manufacturing Success with Mingo Smart Factory

Mingo Smart Factory’s customizable features, including custom fields, objects, and calculations, provide a tailored approach to enhancing production management in manufacturing settings. 

By adapting the system to your unique requirements, you can streamline calculations and gain immediate access to crucial insights into your production process.

Employing these customized solutions enables the collection of more precise and relevant data, fostering informed decision-making and heightened production efficiency.

Mingo Smart Factory can unlock your manufacturing business’s full potential, propelling you to success and a competitive edge in the industry.

Picture of Bryan Sapot
Bryan Sapot
Bryan Sapot is a lifelong entrepreneur, speaker, CEO, and founder of Mingo. With more than 24 years of experience in manufacturing technology, Bryan is known for his deep manufacturing industry insights. Throughout his career, he’s built products and started companies that leveraged technology to solve problems to make the lives of manufacturers easier. Follow Bryan on LinkedIn here.