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The Best of Mingo

There’s no shortage of informative manufacturing content, even on the Mingo website. We’ve compiled a list of the best resources for a quick introduction to production monitoring. Happy reading!

1. Why is World-Class OEE a Myth?

World-class OEE is a myth, 85% was a number pulled out of the sky. The overall OEE number will be different for every manufacturer and different machines will have different OEEs on the floor.

Let’s take a deep dive into the world of OEE, specifically the notion of world-class OEE and why it’s really just a magic number. Dive in.

2. From Data to Insight: It Starts with a Single Data Point 

It should come as no surprise that most manufacturing companies are using Excel and paper-based systems to monitor production and get visibility into the factory floor. It kind of works if there are strict, buttoned-up systems in place. If there aren’t, these systems fail to provide the visibility most manufacturers need. Excel and paper-based systems will only take manufacturers so far, and then, it’s time for an automated system. 

Don’t believe the hype that you need terabytes of data, an army of data scientists, or AI to replace Excel, paper, or whiteboards on the floor with automatic data collection. It’s so much easier than you were led to believe. The big kicker? Most manufacturers believe they lag behind their competitors if they’re still using Excel and paper-based systems, but that’s not true either. 

The real truth of the matter is automatic data collection and greater visibility into the plant can start with just one single data count. Read more about a single data point here.

3. The Fail Proof Implementation Process

Every manufacturer has a problem on their hands and a goal in mind when they seek out a solution like Mingo. Better visibility into job tracking. Understanding how to improve inefficiencies. Increasing performance with fewer people on the floor. Whatever the problem, manufacturers just want to fix it… and fix it fast.  

What do we tell manufacturers when they start listing off their problems? Focus on one problem. Too often, we see manufacturers try, and fail, to solve all of their problems all at once. People, and in comparison, manufacturers, are not made for multitasking. When we focus on too many problems at once, it leads to decreased productivity, more confusion, more stress, and in the end, worse results. This is only exacerbated when manufacturers throw a new technology in the mix with the hope of it fixing all of the problems instantly. It’s a recipe for disaster. 

Instead, simply pick the biggest, most pressing problem, and drive the implementation and adoption of software like Mingo off of that one problem. What is the one thing in the plant, that if solved, would make the biggest difference? Learn more here.

4. Calculate Your Return on Investment

Production monitoring provides cost-saving benefits, with many companies seeing a return on investment within a few weeks or months, inevitably allowing employees to concentrate on other areas which generates increased productivity and efficiency. 

That ROI comes in the form of measurable, attainable goals such as reduced downtime, increased utilization, and increased availability, reduced changeover time, increase throughput or performance, increased quality, and even a reduction in soft costs or employee time. 

Determining how to improve one or more of the parts above contributes to the ROI and overall justification for production monitoring software. To calculate an estimated return on investment, visit the ROI Calculator.

Picture of Bryan Sapot
Bryan Sapot
Bryan Sapot is a lifelong entrepreneur, speaker, CEO, and founder of Mingo. With more than 24 years of experience in manufacturing technology, Bryan is known for his deep manufacturing industry insights. Throughout his career, he’s built products and started companies that leveraged technology to solve problems to make the lives of manufacturers easier. Follow Bryan on LinkedIn here.