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Real-Time Visibility, Remotely

Monitoring, analytics, and alerts in one solution
Mingo Mobile App

How It Works

In the factory or at home, see how the plant is performing with remote manufacturing analytics. With data collected from sensors, PLCs, or manual input, get insights into key metrics with easy-to-access dashboards, readily available reporting, and mobile alerts. 

Quickly solve problems and know if you’re winning the day, remotely.

Mobile App Screenshots

Implement Remotely

Keep machines running and maintain operations by implementing manufacturing analytics, remotely. 

Based on your company’s needs, Mingo can be implemented in less than one day.


Visualize Data with Dashboards

With pre-built dashboards, analyze data collected from the factory floor. Diagnose and solve problems, quickly.

Which machines are up or down? Are any machines or work cells running behind schedule? Why is a particular machine not running? Are scrap rates increasing on a particular machine?

Compare performance, conduct root cause analysis, use Pareto charts to evaluate productivity.

manufacturing dashboard

See How Mingo Smart Factory Can Improve Your Factory

Built by people who know manufacturing, Mingo provides the 21st century “Smart Factory” experience that manufacturers need to grow in a modern environment. See how it can help you drive revenue.

Mingo Dashboard Mobile App

Manufacturing Insights Email

Receive daily emails, summarizing performance data from the previous day. 

Stay up to date with what’s happening in the plant without being there.

Get visibility into the floor, literally, at your fingertips.

Track Performance with Daily Reporting

Was the production target hit yesterday? Will demand be met for the week? If not, will overtime be needed to hit the numbers?

With daily production reporting, react to problems on the floor that impact key manufacturing KPIs and production scheduling.

manufacturing dashboard

Quickly Solve Problems

Get operational visibility that you need to track performance and making recommendations, without having to be on the floor.

By quickly solving problems, ensure success and become more resilient in the future.

Get Visibility with the Mobile App

Gain visibility into machine performance and plant operations with the Mingo Mobile App. 

Receive downtime alerts with reason codes by machine or cell. See OEE, cycle times, availability, performance, and quality metrics.

Track target production counts vs. actual. See your alert history.

manufacturing dashboard

The biggest benefit of Mingo to me was the ability to easily dig out whatever data I needed… I feel like this really helped us focus on specific problems, and helped our entire business work more efficiently.

Matt Perry

Production Manager, Automotive Parts Manufacturer