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Smart Factory Blog

The Mingo blog delves into manufacturing excellence and innovative factory solutions. Our articles span a variety of categories, including lean manufacturing, continuous improvement, culture and employee engagement, OEE, industry insights, and company news and announcements. We strive to provide valuable insights, practical tips, and expert recommendations that empower manufacturing professionals to enhance efficiency, productivity, and overall performance in their operations. Join us on our mission to drive continuous improvement and achieve excellence across the manufacturing landscape.

How to Calculate Your Targets
Continuous Improvement
Bryan Sapot

How to Calculate Your KPI Targets

Calculating and setting targets is key to improving efficiencies and meeting demand for any manufacturer. Though, at Mingo, I’ve seen first-hand that calculating targets isn’t

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The Best of Mingo
Industry Insights
Bryan Sapot

The Best of Mingo

There’s no shortage of informative manufacturing content, even on the Mingo website. We’ve compiled a list of the best resources for a quick introduction to

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What is Production Planning?
Manufacturing Excellence
Bryan Sapot

What is Production Planning?

In today’s tech-centric economy, efficiency is imperative to success in a competitive industry like manufacturing. The breadth and depth of available products and services across

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