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Mingo and Iterate Labs Establish Partnership

Manufacturing analytics application and digitized workforce productivity platform join forces to maximize manufacturing productivity.

ST. LOUIS, Mo., March 17, 2021 – Mingo and Iterate Labs have formed a partnership to help manufacturers get maximum visibility into their plants.

The idea behind the collaboration is to allow manufacturers to maximize the productivity of both automated and manual processes.

For Mingo users, they’ll be able to understand manual processes where there aren’t machines with the added benefit of safety, and Iterate Labs users gain the ability to expand data collection to automated processes, a combination that will benefit the entire plant.

“I’ve been looking and thinking about different ways to track the manual processes in the plant since we started the company,” Bryan Sapot CEO and Founder of Mingo says, “and Iterate labs has the perfect solution. With our two products combined, manufacturers can easily get that holistic view of what’s happening in the plant.”

Mingo Manufacturing Analytics is heavily focused on providing insight into the automatic processes while Iterate Labs monitors manual processes. Now, users can integrate all machines and processes into a complete productivity view.

“We are excited to be working with the Mingo team and to offer a complete digital twin to customers, covering both the workforce and the machines in which they interact” Jason Guss CEO and Founder of Iterate Labs says. “Our AI smartwatch platform focused on human motion provides visibility, touchpoints, and insights into workforce productivity, safety, and training like never before.”

The two applications work together to:

1. Understand manual processes where there aren’t machines.
2. Use data to signal repetitive stress injuries in employees.
3. Integrate automatic and manual processes throughout the plant.
4. Expand the visibility into the entire plant’s operations.
5. Provide a holistic view of manufacturing operations.

Mingo and Iterate Labs can help manufacturers get a complete view of their plant, with the added benefit of safety analysis. With this partnership, streamline communications, monitor all processes, increase safety, and increase productivity.

About Mingo

Mingo is a manufacturing productivity and analytics platform that provides visibility into the data from machines, devices, and people and puts it all into context. Mingo is revolutionizing manufacturing by offering a complete solution from sensors to data collection to analytics that provides real-time insights into the productivity of the factory. Those insights give a manufacturer the ability to reduce costs, ensure customer on-time delivery, and improve quality. https://www.mingosmartfactory.com/

About Iterate Labs

Iterate Labs maximizes lean operations and safety via digitized motion, AI, and real-time visibility. Through wearable sensors and computer vision, we connect your workforce’s movement and actions to drive industrial KPIs and operational performance.

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Picture of Bryan Sapot
Bryan Sapot
Bryan Sapot is a lifelong entrepreneur, speaker, CEO, and founder of Mingo. With more than 24 years of experience in manufacturing technology, Bryan is known for his deep manufacturing industry insights. Throughout his career, he’s built products and started companies that leveraged technology to solve problems to make the lives of manufacturers easier. Follow Bryan on LinkedIn here.